

  • Murata THanada KShibahara H. Claims database analysis of patients with chronic hepatitis C in Japan. 17th ISPOR Annual European Congress, 10th November 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

  • Kamae I, Ward T, Webster S, Kobayashi M, McEwan P, Kalsekar A, Yuan Y, Inoue S, Tang A, Kumada H. Investigating treatment strategies to optimize clinical outcomes associated with emerging therapies for HCV. APASL, Asian Pacific Association for The Study of the Liver. Brisbane, Australia,2014.

  • Kamae I, Ward T, Webster S, Kobayashi M, McEwan P, Yuan Y, Kalsekar A, Inoue S, Tang A, Kumada H. Estimating the long-term clinical and economic outcomes of daclatasvir plus asunaprevir in difficult to treat Japanese patients chronically infected with hepatitis C genotype 1b virus. APASL, Asian Pacific Association for The Study of the Liver. Brisbane, Australia.2014.

  • Sugiyama N, Murata T, Morishima Y, Fukuma Y, Shibasaki Y, Bidad C, Harnett J, Marshall L, Coindreau JL. Cost-effectiveness of biologics for rhumatoid arthritis patients: a real-world analsis of nationwide Japanese claims data. EULAR 2014, 11-14 June 2014, Paris, France.

  • Shibahara H, Shiroiwa T, Tange C, Nakamura K, Ozono S, Shimozuma K. Reanalysis of cost-effectiveness of abiraterone acetate as seconed line treatment for metasttic castration-resistant prostate cancer in Japan using a Japanese claim data set. 19th ISPOR Annual International Meeting, 2nd June 2014, Montreal, QC, Canada.

  • Kohno S, Ohno T, Murata T, Tateda K. Risk factors for the development of pneumonia: analysis of Japanese claims data. The 54th Annual meeting of the Japanese respiratory society. Osaka, Japan. April 25-27th ,2014. (in Japanese)

  • Kobayashi M. The present conditions and problem of claims data study in Japan. Center for Health Economics & QOL Research, Niigata University of Health and Welfare. Niigata, Japan.25th Jan, 2014. (in Japanese)

  • Ohno T, Inoue S, Watanabe A. Cost-effectiveness analysis of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine for adult pneumococcal disease. The 54th Annual meeting of the Japanese respiratory society. Osaka, Japan. April 25-27th ,2014. (in Japanese)

  • Kamae I, Kumada H, Kobayashi M, Ward T, Webster S, Yuan Y, Kalsekar A, Inoue S, Tang A, McEwan P. Estimation of the long-term clinical response of the Daclatasvir/Asunaprevir combination therapy in HCV genotype 1b type Japanese patients. The 50th Annual meeting of Japan Society of Hepatology. Tokyo, Japan. 29-30th May, 2014. (in Japanese)

  • Noto S, Izumi R, Moriwaki K, Igarashi A, Ikeda S, Fukuda T, Shiroiwa T, Kobayashi M, Saito S, Shimozuma K. Comparing the performance of the EQ-5D-5L with the EQ-5D-3L in stroke patients in Japan. ISPOR 16th Annual International Meeting. Dublin, Ireland. 2013.


Cost-effectiveness analysis

To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of pharmaceuticals and medical devices by pharmacoeconomics (medical economic assessment), many specialized technologies and knowledge should be combined. We evaluate the cost-effectiveness of medical technologies using advanced modeling and statistical analysis technologies that we have developed over many years.

  • Cost-effectiveness analysis
  • Decision-making model construction
  • Review of previous studies
  • Systematic review
  • Indirect comparison/
    network meta-analysis
  • Budget impact analysis
    in the introduction of new pharmaceuticals

Burden of illness analysis

The socio-economic burden of disease is correlated with the therapeutic value of the disease. However, the estimation of such disease burdens is hardly done. We conduct burden of illness analysis to estimate epidemiological parameters, including the numbers of patients and events, long-term survival rates, and medical expenses.

  • Quantification of a target disease’s
    financial burden
  • Estimation and prediction of the number of patients
  • Estimation of lifetime medical expenses
  • Estimation of expected survival time

Real-world data/
Patient outcome data analyses

Real-world data, such as medical and receipt data, and patient outcome data are analyzed based on advanced statistical knowledge and technology.

  • Planning of survey/
    Development of protocols
  • Medical data analysis
  • Claims data analysis
  • QOL survey
  • Conjoint analysis/
    Discrete choice experiment (DCE)
  • Exploratory analysis

and other consulting services

We support in-house educational and enlightenment activities related to pharmacoeconomics (medical economic assessment) and health technology assessment (HTA), and provide consulting services. Furthermore, we provide consulting services based on review and summarization of technology appraisal (TA) by the UK’s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE).

  • Lecture/Workshop
  • Other consulting services
  • Review of NICE TA